Mister Supranational France

Mister Supranational France 2019


Mavryck Clavel is Mister Supranational France 2019. He is 19 years old, stands 1.81m tall and is from Lyon. Mavryck is a qualified carpenter. At the moment, he is also taking classes to become a hairdresser and barber. He is currently spending lots of time in the gym and learning English in preparation for the Mister Supranational competition.


In his free time, Mavryck enjoy playing football, traveling and spending time with his friends. When he has free time, he also works as a print and runway model. Mavryck's goal is to be signed by a famous modeling agency and wants to be the face of a popular men's fragrance.


Welcome to the #Suprafamily Mavryck. See you in Poland.

Mister Supranational France 2018

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François-Xavier Herard, from Martinique, is Mister Supranational France 2018. He is 25 years old and 1.96 m-tall.

Mister Supranational France is fluent in French and Spanish, and he is pursuing a social and administrative career.

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François is passionate about traveling and would like to become Mister Supranational to get the chance to visit as many countries as possible.

Mister Supranational 2018 will be elected on December 8th, in Poland.

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Welcome, France!