photo Leonardo Rodrigues
His name is Matheus Song, he´s 22 years old, 1.82 m-tall, born in the city of Joinville, located in a region called Caminho dos Príncipes, or the Princes´Road, located in the Brazilian southern state of Santa Catarina.
Song´s father is Korean, so in addition to Portuguese, he also speaks fluent Korean and English. He is a student of Business Administration and works as a personal stylist. Mister Supranational Brazil is also a taekwondo black belt champion!
The winner of Mister Brazil CNB 2017 contest, Song will now get ready to compete in Mister Supranational 2017, in Poland and Slovakia, with the final telecast event taking place in Krynica Zsdrój, Poland.
photo Márcio Farias
Welcome to the Supra family, Brazil!