Mister Supranational Ecuador 2020


29 year old Mario Iglesias is Mister Supranational Ecuador 2020. Mario has a degree in Civil Engineering and he is also a certified personal trainer. He stands 1.78m tall and enjoys helping people become a better version of themselves through personal fitness training.


Mario’s biggest goal in life is to be as happy as he can be as he feels that is the most satisfying state of being we can achieve. Should he win the Mister Supranational title, he would like to work serve as an inspiration to all youth around the world, to make them aware that anything is possible, and that you can go from impossible to possible regardless of anything. In addition. he would like to work together with the Mister Supranational Organization to promote healthcare, especially now during COVID-19, which is a very crucial moment for all humanity


Welcome to the Supra Family Mario. We will see you in 2021!