Mister Supranational Togo 2021


Abdel Kacem Tefridj (25) is Mister Supranational Togo 2021. He stands 1,93m tall and is currently working as an air steward for a West and Central African airline. In this free time, he enjoys modeling, boxing, staying fit, and going to Crossfit. Abdel has discovered he has a passion for music and enjoys singing and playing the guitar. His biggest goal in life is continuous personal growth as a person and enjoy every day he is granted the gift of life.


Should he win the Mister Supranational title, he wants to use this platform to be a role model for Togolese but also Africans in general. “I want for them to see, and to believe how great we can be, what we can achieve, and what beautiful, intelligent, and strong people we are!


Welcome to the Supra Family Abdel. We look forward to meeting you soon in Poland.